The Business Support Center of the Municipality of Piraeus will provide personalized consulting services to selected small and medium enterprises that are active or want to be active in the Municipality of Piraeus.
The services will be provided by the Center free of charge as indirect aid and fall under the "de minimis Regulation”.
These Services includes:
1. Development of strategic - business plan
The specialized consultants of BSC in direct collaboration with your company will prepare a complete custom business plan based on the needs and specific objectives of your business (e.g., development of a new product, loan, new investment, etc.).
2. Evaluation of existing business plans και υποστήριξη στη βελτίωσή τους
Have you already developed your business plan? BSC consultants will evaluate it both in terms of completeness and quality of content and in terms of its adequacy concerning your business goals. They will guide you towards its effective reform.
3. Preparation of a market study
Do you want to have a better knowledge of the market in which you operate?
Do you want to operate in Greece or abroad? BSC will provide you with specialized information about the conditions and recent trends of your market
4. Development of a marketing plan
Do you want to increase your sales or strengthen your market position? BSC consultants will develop the marketing plan of your business considering your specific needs and goals.
5. Consulting Services for the operational reorganization and improvement of the company
Do you have operational or organizational problems in your business? BSC Consultants will support and guide you to adopt a new improved operational and organizational structure or redesign the existing one to effectively adapt to the changes that occur in the internal and external business environment.
6. Consulting services for product costing
BSC Consultants will help you choose the optimal costing and pricing policy that will help you increase profit margins and reduce the existing production costs of your business.
7. Support services for securing funding
For the shortlisted companies that meet the requirements,a business needs analysis will be conducted in order to finalize the services they will receive based on their application and their actual needs.
As part of the support, interviews and meetings will be held with representatives and executives of the company. Business data and additional information of the company will be analysed.