- This website belongs to the Consortium which supports Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Piraeus. This website through technologically advanced web infrastructures and open source and closed source software applications can offer to all (hereinafter, users/visitors) information, participation, interaction, and technological applications related to the Entrepreneurship of the Municipality of Piraeus under the following terms of use. The use/visit to this website presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the terms of use described here. Navigating and staying on this website, archiving/cataloging it constitutes practical acceptance of the following terms of use.
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- The Consortium which supports the Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Piraeus makes every effort to ensure that the information and content displayed each time on its website is as accurate, true and up-to-date as possible. It also provides the content (e.g., information, names, photos, illustrations, data, etc.) and services available through its website “EXACTLY AS THEY HAVE”. In no case the Consortium which supports the Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Piraeus bears responsibility for any claims of legal, civil, or criminal nature or for any damage (positive, special or consequential) of the user/visitor of this website.
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- The Consortium which supports the Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Piraeus makes every effort to ensure the proper functioning of its network, although it does not guarantee that the operations of its servers will be uninterrupted or without any errors, free from viruses, malware or other similar components.
- Given the form of the Internet, the Consortium which supports the Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Piraeus is not liable, under any circumstances, for any form of damage suffered by the user/visitor of the websites, services, options and contents of this website. Also, it does not guarantee that any related website or the servers through which each relevant service is made available to the user/visitor do not contain “viruses” or other malicious software, as it does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or the availability of content, websites, services, options or results from their use.